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What Kind of Leadership Interview Questions Should You Expect?

Andrew Langat
August 7, 2024
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Interview questions about leadership skills are designed to uncover a leader's potential in guiding an organization or team. Recruiters and interviewers use these questions to assess leadership style, problem-solving abilities,  leadership abilities, decision-making skills, teamwork and collaboration, communication skills, and cultural fit.

While over half of Americans report taking on leadership roles during their careers, many capable individuals fail to step into leadership positions. According to research, this may be due to three main reasons: interpersonal risks, image risk, and the risk of being blamed.

Understanding how to answer leadership interview questions is crucial for several reasons, and for a prospective leader, it will assist in the following areas:

  • Career advancement: Fully understanding leadership interview questions will help you pass job interview questions for promotions or new leadership roles.
  • Personal development: aimed at showcasing skill development and self-awareness.
  • Building confidence: learning to answer a wide array of questions significantly boosts confidence and prepares you for the future.
  • Developing essential leadership skills: understanding fundamental principles and practices to prepare for questions about leadership style and appropriateness for leadership roles.

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Understanding Leadership Interview Questions

Leadership interview questions assess candidates' ability to inspire, manage, and lead teams. Different questions give insights into the experience, skills, and capabilities of the individual interviewing for a leadership role.

Understanding these questions will help candidates prepare effectively and demonstrate their qualifications for a leadership position.

Here are some types of questions:

Leadership Interview questions.

1. Behavioral Questions

Interviewers use these questions to gain insights into how candidates handle challenges, demonstrate leadership, and achieve results. Behavioral questions assess past behavior as an indicator of future performance.

Example: "Describe a time when you successfully led your team to success despite facing challenging obstacles."

2. Situational Questions

Situational questions evaluate how a candidate approaches different scenarios. When faced with potential challenges or opportunities, these questions test a candidate's creativity, foresight, and decision-making process.

Example: "How will you handle a team member constantly missing deadlines?"

3. Culture Fit Questions

Culture fit is one of the most critical parts of choosing a company or organization's leader. For this reason, culture fit questions are meant to assess if a potential leader is compatible with the company's values and culture.

Interviewers look for compatibility with the company's working environment, values, and team dynamics. These questions help determine whether the candidate's values, behavior, and work style align with the organization's culture.

A candidate's compatibility with the prevailing company culture greatly determines long-term success and team cohesion.

Example: "How do you create a positive work culture?" and "How do you foster collaborative teamwork?"

4. Technical Questions

The primary purpose of these questions is to gauge specific skills and technical expertise related to leadership roles.

These questions give interviewers an in-depth look at the depth of knowledge, technical proficiency, and the ability to apply technical skills effectively. These questions focus on the candidate's expertise in specific areas required for the role, such as industry-specific knowledge, technical tools, or methodologies.

Here are some examples of technical questions:

  • "How do you manage risks?"
  • "How do you identify areas for improvement and offer support?"

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Common Leadership Questions and Answers

Effective leadership is critical to organizational success. The following questions aim to uncover a candidate's experiences, challenges faced, and strategies employed in leadership roles. Below are some sample interview questions and sample answers.

Common leadership questions

1. Questions on Experience and Background

These questions assess a candidate's past leadership roles and responsibilities, providing insights into their qualifications and experience.

For example:

  • Question: "Could you describe your leadership experience?"
  • Sample Answer: "In my previous role as project lead, I led a team of 20 members, successfully overseeing multiple projects from inception to completion, consistently meeting deadlines and within budget constraints."

2. Questions on Leadership Challenges

These questions evaluate your problem-solving skills and resilience when faced with adversity.

For example, the interviewer might ask the following question:

  • Question: "How do you handle conflict or other significant leadership challenges as a team leader?"
  • Sample Answer: "During a major project, we faced budget cuts. I had to restructure the project plan, reallocate resources, and communicate the changes to the team, ensuring we delivered the project quickly. It was challenging to achieve alignment with my team during the restructuring, so I used active listening to manage conflicts and preserve the potential for collective growth. I wanted to be sure each team member would feel valued as we moved forward."

Here's another example:

  • Question: "Could you give us an example of when you failed or struggled as a team leader?"
  • Sample Answer:  "I once downplayed a project's complexity, which led to missed deadlines. I have since learned the importance of thorough planning and time management, including how to set priorities better, provide feedback, and give clear directions, improving my project management skills."  

3. Questions on Team Management

This question assesses your leadership capabilities, like how you encourage employee development, inspire the team's performance, and motivate individual team members to work together.

To assess a candidate's team management and leadership skills, the interview may ask the following questions:

  • Question one: "How do you motivate your team?"
  • Sample Answer: "I motivate my team by communicating effectively the goals, providing timely feedback, giving constructive criticism, and recognizing individual and team performance, fostering a productive and positive workplace. I also use active listening skills to understand what matters to my team members, especially aspiring leaders, so that I can support them.
  • Question two: "How do you handle an underperforming team member?"
  • Sample Answer: "I once managed a difficult team member who regularly missed deadlines. Through one-on-one meetings, I identified the underlying issues, provided support and resources, and actively listened to issues affecting their performance. I provided positive feedback where appropriate and asked follow-up questions to understand their position and provide clear guidance for improvement."

4. Questions on Conflict Resolution

Conflict management is an essential leadership skill. An interviewer will want to know how you resolve conflicts, settle disputes, and maintain team harmony.

For example:

  • Question: "How do you handle conflicts within your team?"
  • Sample Answer: "I usually address conflicts by facilitating open communication within the team, identifying areas of concern, and collaboratively finding solutions that ensure all team members are satisfied."

To support your answer, you can offer a specific example of how you resolved conflict. Such as:

"When two members disagreed on project priorities, I held a mediation session, encouraging them to share their views and helping them find a compromise that aligned with the project goals."

5. Questions on Motivation Techniques

Team leaders have an identity or leadership style, and some use motivational techniques to keep the individual team members engaged and motivated to perform.

These questions assess your ability to sustain the other team leader's enthusiasm, commitment, and incentivizing achievements.

For example:

  • Question: "How do you recognize and reward good performance?"
  • Sample Answer: "I implemented a recognition program where team members who have contributed valuable input to a team project are rewarded with incentives such as bonuses or extra time off."

6. Questions on Decision-Making

Decision-making is one of the most important skills leaders need to possess, and interviewers will ask questions to gauge how you handle difficult situations and make tough decisions.

For example:

  • Question: "Could you describe a time you had to make a tough decision?"
  • Sample Answer: "As project lead, I had to decide whether to extend a tight deadline or compromise quality due to limited resources. I extended the deadline and worked with team members on time management, ensuring we delivered high-quality products that met client expectations."

7. Questions on Communication skills

As a member of senior management and a contributing partner in professional growth and employee development throughout, your communication skills must be good enough to convey your vision and goals. These soft skills will be helpful when you want to delegate tasks or deliver feedback.

Interview questions will assess your ability to facilitate clear and efficient communication and reveal your experience handling difficult conversations.

For example:

  • Question: "Can you give an example of when you had to communicate a difficult message?"
  • Sample Answer: "During one of the team meetings, I had to inform the team of budget cuts. I explained the impact of the cuts and discussed a plan to manage situations, ensuring everyone felt valued and supported. I also ensured everyone understood how to use our internal communication app to continue clear communication with all team members moving forward."

General Tips for Preparing For Leadership Interviews

1. Research the company.

Understand the company's mission, vision, recent achievements, and values. This will give you a company scope and prepare you for possible questions. Study industrial trends and challenges the company might face.

2. Practice answering questions.

Use your leadership experience to anticipate questions that may be asked during the interview and prepare structured responses; use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, R for clear and concise answers). Write out sample answers for questions you anticipate and think about how best to communicate your leadership style and skills.

3. Know your resume.

Be ready to discuss your past roles, accomplishments, and career trajectory. Understanding your strengths and weaknesses will help you highlight the experiences that best demonstrate your leadership skills.

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Criteria for Answering Different Questions

We will review behavioral and situational questions, how to answer them, and the ideal application method for demonstrating your ability to be a good leader.

1. Behavioral Questions

Using the STAR method.

  • Situation: Describe a situation where you performed a task.
  • Task: Explain an actual task you were responsible for.
  • Action: Describe a specific action you took to address the situation. If it involved delegating tasks, did you have the final say on how to delegate, and how did you move forward?
  • Result: Share the results.

For example:

Question: "Describe a time when you led a team to overcome a challenge."

Answer: "In my previous leadership position, my team faced a tight project deadline. I organized daily check-ins (Situation), delegated the tasks effectively (Task), motivated the team through reward programs (Action), and delivered the project on time, exceeding expectations (Result)."

For more insight, you can review the Star Interview Method.

2. Situational Questions.

Using a Storytelling Technique.

Create a narrative that best describes your leadership qualities and problem-solving skills. Be precise about the steps you take and the reasons you take them.

For example:

Question: How would you handle a situation where your team is missing deadlines?

Answer: I would first analyze the reason for delay by gathering feedback (Analysis), then set clear  goals (Goal-setting). I would implement continuous performance reviews (Action) and provide support where needed to achieve the goals.

For more: Master the Art of Storytelling.

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Tips for Answering Leadership Interview Questions

Answering leadership interview questions can help you stand out as a strong candidate for a leadership role. To prepare, anticipate common leadership interview questions, practice communicating your knowledge of different leadership styles, and aim to excel in your leadership interview. Here are some tips to guide you through the process:

  • Be Authentic. Rather than giving generic answers, share real experiences from prior positions and provide some personal insights. In other words, show you are a good leader in your leadership interview by sharing actual experiences.
  • Be Self-Aware. Reflect on your leadership styles and be prepared to discuss them honestly. You can learn about your strengths and weaknesses by seeking feedback or working with a coach.
  • Showcase your Results. Use specific instances and outcomes to describe your impact. Good leaders have and can share quantifiable results that highlight their effectiveness.
  • Adapt your Communication style. You must know how to "read the room." Do your research on interview questions and answers and tailor your responses to reflect your understanding of different needs and perspectives.  

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Questions to Ask the Interviewer

When preparing for an interview, you can prepare interview questions for your potential employer. This will show your interest in the job and whether the company aligns with your aspirations.

You can ask about the following:

1. Company Leadership Culture

These questions help you understand the company's leadership culture, which is critical to matching your working style and values. They also give insight into the company's decision-making processes.  

For example:

  • How would you describe the company's leadership style?
  • How are leadership decisions communicated within the company?

2. Development Opportunities

Questions you can ask;

  • Are there opportunities for professional development?
  • What training modules does the company use?

Such questions show your commitment to personal and professional growth. This will help you gauge a company's willingness to invest in its team members and whether you will have room for career development.

3. Team Dynamics and Challenges

Questions to ask:

  • What are the most complex challenges the team is facing?
  • What are the team dynamics, and how do they collaborate on projects?

This will give you insight into what it's like to work within the team. It will help you assess whether you can thrive in this work environment and contribute effectively to overcome challenges.

Inspiring, isn’t it ? Want to learn more about connecting self-awareness to professional development? Get in touch today.

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Andrew Langat
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Andrew Langat is an experienced content specialist in Leadership, Productivity, Education, Fintech, and Research. He is an avid reader and loves swimming as a hobby. He believes that quality content should be actionable and helpful.