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Mastering Team Leadership: 10 Proven Strategies for Success

Andrew Langat
June 11, 2024
A group of diverse team members collaborating with a leader guiding and supporting them.
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"I've never scored a goal in my life without getting a pass from someone else." - Abby Wambach

Every successful team includes a great team leader who has mastered the art of team leadership. Their skills create a positive working environment that ultimately leads to team effectiveness.

A great example of team leaders in corporate America is Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft.  He successfully transformed Microsoft's culture to create a collaborative and growth-mindset-oriented environment, leading to the development of new products – and big increases in shareholder value.

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What's Team Leadership?

In a workplace team leadership, refers to how a leader guides a team towards set objectives. Toward this objective, the leader uses a variety of techniques and skills that ultimately rally each member—with specific roles— toward the goal.

Some of the techniques used by the leader may include: setting clear goals & objectives, effective delegation, providing feedback and coaching, building trust and psychological safety, and creating and managing expectations.

For budding leaders, and even experienced leaders, a deeper understanding of team leadership theory helps in adapting the best team leadership model for a given situation. This is particularly important as workplaces increasingly become complex with many intertwined variables such as the shifting work models such as hybrid and remote work.

To navigate these complexities that come with team leadership, a leader needs to master a set of skills discussed below.

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10 Team Leadership Skills to Get Results

Team leadership skills that get results

1. Effective Communication

One of the distinguishing features of a good team leader is effective communication skills. As George Bernard Shaw aptly said, "The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." An effective leader should avoid falling into this trap.

As a team leader, how do you then avoid falling into this trap? Do the following:

  • Practice active listening skills: this entails paying close attention to the speaker – verbally and non-verbally, listening to understand and not to reply, and finally, asking clarifying questions.
  • Practice the 5 c's of effective communication: be clear in your communication, be concise, be concrete, be curious, and be compassionate. This makes your message as clear as possible.
  • Understand your team (education level, cultural background, etc): by understanding your team, you learn what works and what doesn't. For example, some workers might require very clear expectations and detailed instructions. Moreover, watch out for cultural nuances and gender variables to avoid miscommunication.

2. Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EI) ranks as one of the most important leadership behaviors for a team leader. When a team understands that their leader is emotionally attuned to them, it becomes easier to relate on a personal level.

Emotionally intelligent leaders have mastered the following key components: self-awareness, self-regulation, relationship management, and social awareness.

How to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence

  • Keep a written record of your emotional experiences and use the journal as a tool to reflect on emotions.
  • Ask for feedback from trusted friends and family about how you come across emotionally.
  • Embrace mindfulness exercises and practices such as meditation.
  • Try to see the perspective of others when processing emotions.
  • Learn how to observe body language and other nonverbal cues.

By consistently applying these strategies, you can enhance your emotional intelligence. A heightened emotional sense will improve your mental well-being and help you build better relationships.

3. Strategic Thinking

"We are stubborn on vision, but flexible on details."

This quote from Jeff Bezos gives us a unique insight into the mind of a strategic thinker. He can adjust day-to-day operational decisions to match the long-term strategic vision of the organization.

Jeff Bezos is just one of many leaders who have developed their strategic thinking and used it to achieve great success in life.

Strategic thinking includes generating insights on a continued basis to achieve an advantage. A great team leader generates new insights by analyzing data from different sources and figuring out how the new data can have an impact on the current team leadership model.

This ability plays a key role in any organization and is one of the most valued skills in leaders today.

With strategic thinking, a team leader can navigate the often extreme challenge of balancing operational matters and strategic matters.

In addition to this, strategic thinking lets team leaders successfully plan for the future. The future is uncertain, but with strategic thinking, team leaders can generate multiple strategies for the future and choose one that will maximize the growth of the organization.

How to Improve Your Strategic Thinking

To improve strategic thinking, do the following:

  • Figure out how to define long-term strategic goals.
  • Break down your goals into short-term milestones.
  • Analyze your environment and keep up with industry trends.
  • Brainstorm regularly with innovative and creative people.
  • Develop data analysis skills.
  • Develop contingency plans and learn how to adapt to change.
  • Build strategic partnerships by networking and collaborating with your peers.

This might interest you: How to Master Strategic Thinking in Leadership.

4. Team Motivation and Engagement

It is quite normal for human beings to feel demotivated or to lack the drive to do anything. For businesses and organizations that want to achieve anything, this could be a problem.

Great team leaders can maximize team motivation and engagement.

Having highly motivated teams will help your organization be able to attract new employees, including the best on the job market.

Once you've attracted the best employees, it is all about retaining them. If employees are motivated and engaged, they are less likely to leave.

Finally, motivation levels and productivity go hand in hand. If you can get your employees or team members to join your shared vision, you will automatically get increased productivity.

How to Motivate Others

To motivate others as a leader, do the following:

  • Celebrate team success.
  • Provide the optimum work-life balance for your team members.
  • Make time to listen to your team and address their concerns.
  • Keep your team in the loop and update them on progress.
  • Connect your team with work that helps them fulfill their life's mission.
  • Recognize and reward creativity and innovation.
  • Lead by example and show enthusiasm, passion, and commitment when working.

5. Delegation of Authority and Empowerment

Team leadership by delegation is a tough skill to master as it means handing over key leadership tasks to another person, and typically less senior.

However, when done correctly, it is one of the most effective leadership skills you can have.

Delegation of authority amplifies a team leader's reach and eliminates bottlenecks in the decision-making process.

It also allows team members with leadership potential to show their capabilities by autonomously working on challenges.

Furthermore, delegation frees up time for a leader to focus on more important tasks within the organization.

This might interest you: Delegation of Authority: How to Delegate work as a Manager.

6. Conflict Resolution

Conflict is inevitable in any team or organization. Consequently, conflict resolution is an expected part of effective team leadership.

By resolving conflicts, a leader achieves the following: enhanced team dynamics, improved productivity, improved psychological safety, and better team morale.

How to Resolve Conflicts

To resolve conflicts amicably, use the following strategies:

  • Analyze why there is conflict in the first place.
  • Try to remember what's important to the team or organization.
  • Keep emotions out of the conflict and keep conversations professional.
  • Focus on solutions and avoid holding grudges.
  • Try to find a win-win outcome for the conflicting parties.

As a final point, a great leader must remember that conflict has some advantages. If ideas aren't challenged and different views aired, then how do good ideas become great ideas?

7. Adaptability

The world today is not the world we are going to be living in a few years from now. Leaders or leadership teams that adapt to changing conditions do well no matter what they are faced with.

An adaptive leadership style is one of the most important leadership skills one can have today. Change is happening rapidly all around us and adaptability could make a big difference between those who make it and those who don't.

How to Be Adaptable as a Leader

Adaptability in team leadership requires the following leadership skills:

  • Keeping up with new industry trends such as new AI tools.
  • The ability to embrace change and view it as an opportunity rather than a threat.
  • The ability to learn continuously.
  • Having a growth mindset.
  • The capability to reflect and learn from setbacks.

8. Coaching and Mentoring

Coaching and mentoring are sometimes used interchangeably but in the context of team leadership, there are some key differences.

Mentors, often experts in their fields, help those with less experience achieve success.

While there may be some overlap, coaching focuses on helping leaders optimize their team leadership styles.

Leadership coaches collaborate with you and let you find answers.

A coach is a partner who guides you towards clarity about the leader you want to be and the most appropriate leadership style for you.

Mentoring and coaching play a key role in any team leadership model out there.

There are often numerous obstacles in the way and it can be difficult to make it on your own.

Mentors and coaches can help you recognize the issues standing in your way and help you develop strategies on how to fix them.

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9. Empowerment

One of the most important skills of a good leader is the ability to create other great leaders. Effective leaders have an authentic desire to see others improve.

To do this, a strong leader must empower others and impart key team leadership skills to other team members.

In the business world, empowerment creates an environment where people take action. A good leader in this case knows that leadership happens when you are there for others and support them in finding their magic.

How to Empower Others

Do the following:

  • Encourage skill development and learning.
  • Give constructive feedback.
  • Provide resources for innovation and support for unconventional thinking.
  • Delegate authority.
  • Create an environment and culture where collaboration is encouraged.
  • Actively listen and be a good role model for your prospective leadership team.
  • Communicate clearly and share your vision with your leadership team and team members.
  • Foster leadership styles that build trust.

10. Feedback

As a leader, you cannot function effectively without feedback.

Feedback can be verbal or nonverbal and it is a direct way to measure your effectiveness as a leader. And remember: it is the responsibility of team managers or appointed leaders to seek out feedback.

Taking feedback into account is a critical part of achieving any leadership objective.

The Importance of Feedback

In an organization, feedback serves the following purposes:

  • Feedback strengthens leadership by helping leaders understand the impact of their decisions.
  • Feedback helps team leaders identify areas that need improvement or training.
  • It creates a positive work environment and keeps the team engaged.
  • Feedback enhances accountability.
  • Constructive feedback maximizes personal and professional growth.
  • Honest feedback builds trust between team leadership and team members.

Now that we know the importance of feedback for team leadership, it is equally important to have the right skill set to give and receive feedback.

  • Give clear and specific feedback and focus on the issue you are addressing.
  • Use the situation-behavior-impact model.
  • Be timely and provide feedback as soon as possible.
  • Address behavior and avoid personality attacks.
  • Deliver empathetic feedback and adopt a supportive and non-confrontational tone.
  • Allow the recipient to make a response or ask questions.
  • Suggest practical steps for improvement and offer support.
  • Follow up after giving feedback.
How to Receive Feedback:
  • Approach feedback with a positive attitude and an open mind.
  • Listen to the feedback provider without interruption.
  • Do not make excuses and avoid defensive reactions.
  • Acknowledge feedback and ask questions.
  • Seek multiple perspectives on issues raised.
  • Take action and use the feedback for personal development.

When you understand the role feedback plays in team leadership, you'll be more likely to incorporate it into your plan for great team leadership. Feedback is one of the best ways to improve as a leader or team member.

Inspiring, isn’t it ? Want to learn more about connecting self-awareness to professional development? Get in touch today.

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Andrew Langat
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Andrew Langat is an experienced content specialist in Leadership, Productivity, Education, Fintech, and Research. He is an avid reader and loves swimming as a hobby. He believes that quality content should be actionable and helpful.