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Vacation Request Email(Examples & Templates)

Andrew Langat
July 19, 2023
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In today's fast-paced and demanding work environment, it's more important than ever to take time off to recharge and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

However, requesting vacation time is often not a straightforward process as you might need to understand the company's vacation policy, team dynamics, and workloads, and get approval.

In this article, we'll walk you through the steps on how to write a professional vacation request email, like a pro. So whether you're a seasoned pro or a first-time vacation requester, read on for our tips on how to get the time off you deserve.

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What is a Vacation Leave Request Email?

A vacation leave request email is a formal communication written by an employee to their supervisor or employer, requesting time off from work to take a vacation. It serves as a written record of the employee's request and helps the employer or supervisor to manage and plan for the employee's absence.

The elements of a vacation request email include the subject line, salutation, introduction, reasons for

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How To Write A Vacation Request Email

Have a direct subject line.

A simple vacation request email should have a clear subject line. This ensures that your boss or whoever superior you're under spots your email, so be straight with what you're asking and how many vacation days are for.

An Example: Request vacation time or Annual leave request.

Start with a polite greeting

Begin your email with a professional and courteous greeting, such as "Dear [Recipient's Name]," or "Hello [Recipient's Name],".

State your purpose

In the opening paragraph, clearly state the purpose of your email, which is to request time off for your vacation. Be direct and specific about the dates or duration you are requesting.

Provide a valid reason

Briefly explain the reason for your vacation request. It could be a personal milestone, a family event, or simply the need for a break. Keep the explanation concise but informative.

Mention the exact dates

Mention the exact dates or duration for which you are requesting time off. Include the start and end dates, making sure there is no ambiguity.

Ensure that you include the exact date range for your vacation. This avoids confusion, and it's a good idea to state the date of your first day back in the office.

Offer a plan for coverage

If applicable, suggest a plan for covering your responsibilities during your absence. You can propose delegating tasks to a colleague, offering to complete pending work beforehand, or any other arrangements that will ensure a smooth workflow during your absence. This shows responsibility and consideration towards your team.

Express gratitude

Show gratitude for the opportunity to take time off and acknowledge the recipient's consideration. Express appreciation for their understanding and any assistance they provide in managing your absence.

Request Confirmation

Politely request confirmation of your vacation request. Ask the recipient to let you know if there are any concerns or additional steps required to finalize your time off.

Provide contact information

Include your contact details, such as phone number or email address, so the recipient can reach you if needed.

Use a professional closing

End your email with a professional closing, such as "Best regards," or "Sincerely," followed by your name.

Other useful things to consider:

Check for errors and revise: Before sending your email, carefully proofread it for any grammatical or spelling errors. Ensure that the email is clear, concise, and free of any unnecessary information.

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Sample Vacation Request Emails Examples.

Formal vacation request email.

When working in a professional environment your vacation request email should reflect it. With a formal request use appropriate language that reflects your stature as a professional, and use formal expressions.

Here is a sample vacation request email:

Subject line: Annual leave request.

Dear [recipient’s and name],

I am seeking approval for my annual leave. As we discussed earlier the dates I would like to take my annual vacation are from [date] to [date]. I wish to use some of my vacation hours for much-needed family time.

To keep up-to-date on all pending and current work, I have been putting in some extra hours too. At present, all of my work is completed. I will ensure that whoever fills in for me in my absence will not be burdened by any unattended work. He or she will be only responsible for some routine queries.

I would appreciate it if my leave request is approved at the earliest to move forward with my flight and hotel bookings. In case of any queries, reach me at [your Email or Phone number]

Please let me know if this is acceptable. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

[your name].

Informal vacation request email.

Some Companies accept less formal vacation requests via request emails. Maybe you're on a first-name basis with your boss, and he or she is comfortable with a less formal request. Ensure you maintain professionalism without burning any bridges in the process.

Here is a sample:

Subject line: Vacation request.

Hi [Recipient's name],

I would like to request approval here for some vacation time from [date] through to[date]. I will be taking some much-needed family vacation.

I have checked with my teammate and they are okay with covering my workload while I am away. You can reach me at [your Email or phone].

Let me know if it's all right so I can get to bookings.


[Your Name].

A woman with her laptop

One-day vacation request email.

One day off is still time off from your daily operations, and you need to submit an official request for vacation approval.

The steps of writing a vacation request for a day off remain the same. Just ensure that you provide specific vacation dates first.

You don't have to provide a reason even though it seems random to take one day off from work.

Here is a Sample:

Subject line: Request for a day off.

Dear [recipient’s name],

I’m writing to request a day off on [date]. I will be returning to the office the next day, [date].

The team has my work covered for the day, so I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

[your name].

Vacation extension request email.

When you're cashing in on your vacation time, and you want a few more days' extension, you can send an email requesting an extension on your allotted time.

Here’s how you can do that:

Dear [recipient’s name],

Thank you for approving my vacation request. During my holiday, my plans have changed. It would be great if I could get an extension until [date]. 

I understand this could affect the workflow, and I’m open to any ideas on how to make this work. Please let me know if you would like to discuss this further.

Thank you,

[your name].

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Best Practices for Requesting Vacation Time.

1. State Your Reasons.

When you want to submit your vacation request ensure that your reasons are well articulated and you've argued your reasons for vacation well. Your time off request and approval will depend on how viable your reasons are.

You need to communicate why you need a break and write down all your reasons. This step will help you understand why you feel burnt out and how a vacation can help or maybe you have a family crisis that needs your attention.

You should consider what will happen to you, your team, and your company if you don’t take some time off work. Burnout can seriously impact your work. It can also affect the people around you as you will not be able to do your part with enthusiasm and creativity.

2. Formally request for vacation.

Individuals usually verbally ask for time off from managers before handing in their verbal requests. The problem occurs when they forget to send up a follow-up email or message, and this may cause problems with HR.

Verbal approval can take you so far, but a formal request will make the approval more easy. Send an empty vacation request Email serves vacation requests to your manager or the Human resources department this also ensures that the organization can make other arrangements for your absence if required.

A formal request is also a professional courtesy to your manager and other team members. It shows that you are all in on the company policy and values.

3. Have good timing.

When requesting vacation time timing is crucial. Picking a suitable time will work in your favor when seeking approval. Your manager will be justified when they reject your request when there is a heavy workload or crisis in the company.

Most companies can have busy periods throughout the year, and during these periods there is a high volume of work. There are times when there is a low volume of work. Plan your time-offs and ask for them during moments when there is relatively less work.

Your manager will be much more likely to approve your leaves if they’re able to run the department without any problems even in your absence. Managers also avoid giving out vacation requests when a big project is beginning.

4. Organize a transition period.

You should help managers in setting up alternative arrangements and tweak the workflow so that work doesn’t suffer in your absence. For instance, you can convince some of your co-workers to handle your responsibilities while you are away. This ensures that there will be no problems in your absence and managers will be more likely to accept your vacation requests in the future. 

5. Complete work before going on vacation.

Before handing in your week's notice, ensure that all your work is done and that all affairs are in order. Give your team as much advance notice if there are pending big projects that are still to be completed.

It's an employee's responsibility to complete all the tasks assigned to them, and when they want to hand in a vacation request they should try not to overburden their team members with their workload.

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Tips for Getting Your Vacation Request Approved.

1. Understand the Company's Vacation Policy.

Before asking for vacation time, you need to have a better idea of what the company policies are. Read through them to know of any requirements or limitations. Some documentation may be needed for approval, so when the time comes you'll be ready.

Following the correct protocol when requesting time off will ensure that your approval goes through smoothly.

2. Choose the best time to take a vacation.

Plan your vacation request for the most optimal time of the year when their less workload in the company. Companies have busy seasons in a year that require all hands on deck, so plan to avoid such periods.

However, there are unavoidable circumstances where you have to take some time off. Such as a death in the family, or a family crisis. These cases are unpredictable and your request may be abrupt but a good explanation of your situation may get you approval.

3. Liaise with your teammates.

Planning for the future is a great way to get your vacation request approved, but it will be important to give your teammates time to take the void of responsibility left by you.

Cleaning up loose ends(pending work) can help your teammates cover your responsibilities when you leave. This includes sharing any tools, documents, and resources that may be required to complete tasks when you take your vacation time.

4. Give advance notice.

Planning for the future is the best practice when it comes to getting your vacation time off approved. Outlining a yearly plan will also help you utilize your time off while staying conscious of any projects or tasks with important deadlines.

If you know what the big projects are in advance, take advantage by finishing tasks early or planning around them. Moreover, if you need to a vacation request on short notice, you'll be able to tell your boss that you are caught up thus increasing the chances of your vacation getting approved.

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What are the Reasons for Your Vacation Request Getting Rejected?

1. You've given short notice.

There are circumstances where you have to take a vacation on short notice, which is unavoidable. But when you hand in a request on short notice your managers can easily reject it especially if you don't provide a valid reason.

Collaborate with your managers and teammates and pick convenient dates to take your vacation.

2. You didn't follow company policy.

A company policy is part of the employee handbook and it should be followed when you want to get approval for anything, including vacation. If you haven’t followed company policy, your time off request might get denied or converted to unpaid leave. 

3. Your workload cannot be covered.

Your employer might deny your request by saying that they cannot cover your workload in your absence. You can work around this by communicating with your manager to come up with solutions. Try to liaise with your colleagues and ask them to cover for you when you'll be out on vacation.

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Andrew Langat
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Andrew Langat is an experienced content specialist in Leadership, Productivity, Education, Fintech, and Research. He is an avid reader and loves swimming as a hobby. He believes that quality content should be actionable and helpful.